Sabtu, 11 Februari 2017

Dejan Lovren, Kisah Sang Pencari Suaka Cerita

Perang adalah kesedihan. Bagi pihak yang menang maupun pihak yang kalah, peperangan hanya akan menyisakan duka yang cukup mendalam dan sulit untuk dilupakan seumur hidup. Inilah yang dialami oleh Dejan Lovren. Lovren, yang sekarang membela Liverpool dan sudah sejak 2013 silam merasakan atmosfer Liga Primer, memiliki sebuah pengalaman pahit. Dilahirkan ketika situasi di Yugoslavia sedang berkecamuk, membuatnya mengalami sebuah hal yang mungkin tidak ia kira seumur hidupnya, yaitu panasnya situasi peperangan. Situasi inilah, yang secara tidak langsung, mengubah hidupnya. Dalam sebuah video dokumenter di LFC TV GO, ia pun berbagi seputar kisahnya yang ketika kecil, sempat mengalami situasi perang saudara Yugoslavia (kerap juga disebut perang Balkan), yang memaksanya menjadi seorang pencari suaka. Saat Perang Berkecamuk, Lovren Ada di Sana Perang saudara Yugoslavia, atau biasa disebut perang Balkan, adalah sebuah serial perang yang terjadi sejak 1991 sampai 2001. Serial perang ini, selain menjadi faktor utama berpisahnya negara besar bernama Yugoslavia, juga menjadi pemicu konflik-konflik etnis yang terjadi di tanah Yugoslavia yang kelak terpisah menjadi beberapa negara. Ketika proses pemisahan itu terjadi, Lovren, yang masih berusia tiga tahun, mengalami semua itu. Ia bertutur bahwa ia melihat semua konflik tersebut, dan konflik itu mengubah tempat tinggalnya, sebuah kota kecil bernama Kraljeva Sutjeska, menjadi kota yang menakutkan. "Saya tinggal dan dilahirkan di sebuah kota bernama Kraljeva Sutjeska (sebuah kota yang sekarang menjadi bagian dari negara Bosnia-Herzegovina). Sebuah kota kecil yang indah, damai, dan ibu saya sering mengatakan kalau kota tersebut adalah kota yang cocok untuk ditinggali. Di sana dulu keluarga saya tinggal, dan memiliki sebuah toko kecil untuk menghidupi keluarga," ujar Lovren membuka ceritanya. "Tak ada masalah besar yang terjadi saat itu, dan semua terasa indah bagi keluarga kami. Begitu pun dengan kehidupan di sekitar kami. Walau kami tinggal bersama orang Muslim, orang Serbia, kami tetap mampu bergaul satu sama lain. Namun, tiba-tiba semua berubah." "Semua seperti berubaSituasi di Yugoslavia, tepatnya Bosnia saat itu, terasa mencekam. Setiap kali malam tiba, selalu ada sirene yang membuat orang-orang ketakutan, memaksa diri mereka untuk mengamankan diri. Itulah yang juga dialami oleh keluarga Lovren. Setiap kali sirene tiba, keluarganya pun kerap memilih untuk menghabiskan malam di basement, mendengarkan suara senapan menderu-deru, di tengah kota kecil mereka yang damai dan jauh dari hingar-bingar keramaian kota. Karena keadaan yang berubah menjadi mencekam, Lovren pun bercerita bahwa akhirnya ia dan keluarganya memutuskan untuk pindah ke Jerman, ke rumah kakeknya, mencari kehidupan sekaligus menyelamatkan diri dari keadaan yang semakin tidak menentu di Yugoslavia, yang sedang berjalan menuju kehancuran. "Akhirnya saya dan keluarga saya pun memutuskan untuk mengungsi ke Jerman, ke rumah kakek saya. Itu pun sangat sulit untuk dilakukan, karena ketika kami akan menyeberang ke luar perbatasan, kami dilempari beberapa pertanyaan. Beruntung, akhirnya kami tetap bisa keluar dan pindah ke Jerman," ungkap Lovren. Kehidupan di Jerman, dan Upaya Untuk Tinggal di Sana Lebih Lama Sejak berusia tiga tahun, Lovren sudah memulai kehidupannya sebagai seorang pencari suaka, bersama dengan keluarganya di Jerman, tepatnya di kota München. Tinggal di rumah kakeknya, ia mengenang bagaimana rupa dari rumah kakeknya tersebut. Sebuah rumah kayu yang nyaman, dan membuatnya sempat betah untuk tinggal di sana, walau di sana ia juga tak lepas dari kekangan kesedihan yang acap ia lihat dari tangis ibunya. "Mengingat rumah kakek, saya ingat tentang sebuah rumah yang terbuat dari kayu. Rumah yang nyaman dan membuat saya betah tinggal di sana. Tapi entah kenapa meski saya dan keluarga sudah pindah ke Jerman, saya masih sering melihat ibu saya menangis. Saya sempat kesal ketika itu, dan mengatakan bahwa "Ayolah ibu, kita sudah aman di sini"," kenangnya. "Sampai akhirnya saya dengar alasan ibu saya menangis, bahwa ia harus meninggalkan semua kenangannya di sana (Bosnia), ia merasa sedih. Ditambah lagi membayangkan banyaknya kematian yang terjadi di sana, akhirnya saya mengerti alasan dari kesedihan ibu saya," ungkapnya. Lovren memang bisa disebut beruntung. Ketika teman-teman masa kecilnya harus tumbuh di tengah keadaan seperti itu, ia bisa menyelamatkan diri dan pergi ke Jerman, tumbuh di tempat yang aman. Ia bahkan harus mengingat seorang temannya yang menjadi tentara, menangis karena ditinggal pergi oleh ayahnya. Mereka beruntung bisa menyelamatkan diri ke Jerman. Keramahan Jerman, negara yang menjadi tempat pertamanya mengenal sepakbola, membuat keluarganya berusaha untuk mendapatkan izin untuk tinggal lebih lama di Jerman. Lovren bahkan sudah menganggap Jerman sebagai rumah keduanya, karena di sanalah ia tumbuh, dan ia pun mengaku bisa berbahasa Jerman. Sayangnya, izin tinggal lebih lama tidak bisa didapat, dan Lovren pun pada akhirnya tetap kembali ke tanah Yugoslavia. "Saya selalu menganggap Jerman adalah rumah kedua saya. Di sini saya tumbuh, sekaligus mengenal sepakbola. Orang tua saya bahkan sudah meminta izin untuk tinggal lebih lama di sini kepada pemerintah Jerman, karena kami merasa sudah nyaman di sini," ungkap Lovren. "Tapi pemerintah Jerman menolak. Mereka hanya menampung para pencari suaka seperti kami sampai situasi di Yugoslavia benar-benar kondusif. Jika situasi sudah kondusif, maka kami akan dipulangkan kembali ke sana. Situasi yang sulit, dan akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk tidak kembali ke rumah kami. Kami pindah ke Karlovac (sebuah kota di Kroasia) karena di sana katanya situasinya lebih aman," ujarnya. Memulai Kehidupan di Karlovac, Sampai Akhirnya Menjadi Pesepakbola Seperti Sekarang Pindah ke Karlovac, kenang Lovren, adalah sesuatu yang cukup sulit dalam hidupnya. Teman-teman serta kenyamanan yang sudah ia dapat di Jerman, akhirnya harus ia lepaskan. Ia pun seolah dipaksa untuk beradaptasi dengan budaya Kroasia, budaya yang belum ia kenal karena sedari kecil ia sudah terbiasa dengan budaya Jerman dalam dirinya. "Pindah dari Jerman ke Kroasia adalah hal yang sulit bagi saya. Saat saya sudah terbiasa dengan segala hal berbau Jerman, saya kembali dipaksa untuk mengenal budaya baru, budaya Kroasia. Saya bahkan tidak mengerti bagaimana caranya menulis dan berbicara dengan aksen Kroasia, dan orang-orang menganggap saya berbeda," kenang Lovren. "Orang-orang bahkan kerap menertawakan saya, dan saya sering bertengkar dengan teman-teman di sekolah saya. Itu semua karena saya berbeda," ungkapnya. Namun perlakuan orang-orang mulai berubah kepadanya ketika orang-orang melihat ia bermain sepakbola. Dengan sepakbola, ia bergaul dengan teman-temannya. Ia selalu ikut rombongan orang-orang yang sepulang sekolah, pergi ke lapangan di belakang sekolah, lalu bermain bola. Baginya, itu adalah cara bergaul yang paling baik. Caranya menunjukkan dirinya. Sepakbola juga yang membuatnya tetap bisa melupakan segala masalah yang terjadi di keluarganya. Masalah ekonomi yang kerap mendera keluarganya ketika keadaan ekonomi keluarga tidak mendukung. "Sepakbola adalah cara saya mengekspresikan diri saya. Saya pun mulai dikenal orang-orang karena kemampuan sepakbola saya. Sepakbola juga menjadi salah satu cara saya untuk melepaskan diri dari situasi keluarga saya yang serba sulit ketika itu. Bermain bola adalah impian saya," ujar Lovren. "Dan ternyata, sekarang saya menjadi pesepakbola yang bisa mendukung keadaan keluarga saya, dan saya bisa membantu keluarga saya lewat olahraga yang begitu saya gemari dan saya impikan," ucapnya. *** Sekarang keadaan sudah lebih baik, entah itu bagi Lovren maupun keluarganya. Lovren pun berharap, bahwa semua orang yang terlibat dalam kejadian yang terjadi di Yugoslavia pada masa-masa perang Balkan, bisa melupakan kejadian tersebut dan menganggap kejadian itu adalah sejarah yang tak boleh dibicarakan secara asal, tapi juga tidak boleh dilupakan begitu saja. "Saya berharap bahwa kejadian ini menjadi pelajaran bagi semua pihak. Generasi-generasi yang tumbuh pada masa tersebut, saya harap bisa berkompromi dengan kejadian itu, dan tetap maju ke depan dengan tanpa melupakan sejarah kelam yang terjadi. Itu adalah bagian dari hidup, tak akan hilang, dan akan membekas selamanya dalam ingatan." "Semoga cerita saya ini bisa menjadi inspirasi, bahwa setelah semua kesulitan, akan ada hal-hal indah yang menarik yang akan terjadi di masa depan. Percayalah," Sekian kisah dari Lovren, sang pencari suaka.h dalam satu malam. Tiba-tiba semua saling berperang satu sama lain. Perang yang melibatkan tiga suku besar (etnis Croat, Serb, dan Albania). Sejak saat itu semua berubah, dan cerita-cerita yang tersebar membuat orang-orang menjadi saling tidak percaya satu sama lain. Mereka yang awalnya hidup saling berdampingan sekarang jadi menjauhi jalanan," ujar Lovren. Sumber:

Kamis, 08 April 2010

Back to the Future

Back to the Future is a 1985 American science fiction adventure comedy film directed by Robert Zemeckis, written by Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis, produced by Neil Canton and Bob Gale and executive producers Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall. The film stars Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly, as well as Christopher Lloyd, Crispin Glover, Lea Thompson and Thomas F. Wilson. Back to the Future tells the story of Marty McFly, a teenager who is accidentally sent back in time from 1985 to 1955. He meets his parents in high school, accidentally attracting his mother's romantic interest. Marty must repair the damage to history by causing his parents to fall in love, while finding a way to return to 1985.

Zemeckis and Gale wrote the script after Gale mused upon whether he would have befriended his father if they attended school together. Various film studios rejected the script until the box office success of Zemeckis' Romancing the Stone, and the project was set up at Universal Pictures with Spielberg as executive producer. Eric Stoltz was originally cast as Marty McFly when Michael J. Fox declined as he was busy filming the TV series Family Ties. However, during filming Stoltz and the filmmakers decided Stoltz was miscast, so they asked Fox again and he managed to work out a timetable in which he could give enough time and commitment to both; the subsequent recasting meant the crew had to race through reshoots and post-production to complete the film for its July 3, 1985 release date.

When released, it became the most successful film of the year, grossing more than $380 million worldwide and receiving critical acclaim. It won the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation and the Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film, as well as Academy Awards, BAFTA and Golden Globe nominations. Ronald Reagan even quoted the film in the 1986 State of the Union Address. In 2007, the Library of Congress selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry, and in June 2008 the American Film Institute's special AFI's 10 Top 10 acknowledged the film as the 10th best film in the science fiction genre. The movie marked the beginning of a franchise, with Back to the Future Part II and Back to the Future Part III released back-to-back in 1989 and 1990, as well as an animated series and theme park ride.

* 1 Plot
* 2 Development
o 2.1 Writing
o 2.2 Casting
o 2.3 Production
o 2.4 Music
* 3 Reception
o 3.1 Release
* 4 Worldwide release dates
o 4.1 Legacy
* 5 See also
* 6 References
* 7 Further reading
* 8 External links

[edit] Plot

Marty McFly is a teenager living in Hill Valley, California. His father, George, is constantly bullied by his supervisor Biff Tannen, and his mother, Lorraine has a drinking problem. Early one morning in 1985, his friend and scientist Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown, calls him, asking to meet at 1:15 AM the following morning at Twin Pines Mall. Marty and his band audition to perform at the school dance, but are rejected, Marty's girlfriend, Jennifer Parker, encourages him to pursue the dream of being a rock musician. At dinner that night, Lorraine recounts how she and George first fell in love when her father hit him with his car.
The McFly house

That night, Marty meets Doc as planned. Doc reveals a DeLorean DMC-12 which he has modified into a time machine, powered by plutonium which generates 1.21 gigawatts of power into a device he calls the "flux capacitor". Doc also explains that the car travels to a programmed date upon reaching 88 miles per hour. Libyan terrorists, from whom he stole the plutonium, show up and gun him down. Marty attempts to escape in the DeLorean but in the process, reaches the speed of 88 miles per hour and he is transported back to 1955.

In 1955, Marty runs into his teenage father George. As George is about to be hit by Lorraine's father's car, Marty pushes him out of the way and takes the impact. As a result, Lorraine becomes infatuated with Marty instead of George. Marty is disturbed by her flirtations, and leaves to find Doc.

Marty convinces Doc that he is from the future and asks him to help him return to 1985. Doc is aghast by the fact the time machine requires 1.21 gigawatts of power, telling Marty that the only possible source of that much power is a bolt of lightning. Marty remembers that lightning will strike the courthouse clocktower the following Saturday at 10:04 PM. Doc also deduces that Marty has prevented his parents from meeting. He tells Marty he must find a way to get them together or he will never exist.

Marty plans to have George appear to rescue Lorraine from Marty's overt sexual advances on the night of the school's Enchantment Under the Sea dance. However a drunk Biff unexpectedly shows up, pulls Marty from the car and forces himself on Lorraine. George arrives as planned to rescue Lorraine from Marty but finds Biff instead. Biff subjugates George, but George punches Biff in the face, knocking him out. A smitten Lorraine follows George to the dance floor, where they kiss for the first time, assuring Marty's existence.

Meanwhile, Marty writes Doc a letter to warn him of his murder in 1985, but Doc indignantly tears up the letter without reading it for fear he will alter the future. Doc is able to successfully harness the lighting which strikes the clocktower and Marty returns to 1985 but too late to prevent Doc from being shot. Doc however, reveals he was wearing a bulletproof vest and confesses that he taped the letter back together.

Doc drops Marty off at home and leaves in the time machine for the future. Marty awakens to find his home and family significantly improved. Lorraine is physically fit, George has become a self-confident and successful and Biff has become an auto-detailer and is nice to George. Just after Marty reunites with Jennifer, Doc arrives, insisting that they accompany him to the future to sort out children. They enter the time machine, it converts into a hovercar and blasts into the future.
[edit] Development
[edit] Writing

Writer and producer Bob Gale conceived the idea after he visited his parents in St. Louis, Missouri after the release of Used Cars. Searching their basement, Gale found his father's high school yearbook and discovered he was president of his graduation class. Gale thought about the president of his own graduating class, who was someone he had nothing to do with.[1] Gale wondered whether he would have been friends with his father if they went to high school together. When he returned to California, he told Robert Zemeckis his new concept.[2] Zemeckis subsequently thought of a mother claiming she never kissed a boy at school, when in reality she was highly promiscuous.[3] The two took the project to Columbia Pictures, and made a development deal for a script in September 1980.[2]

Zemeckis and Gale set the story in 1955 because, they claimed, mathematically, a 17-year old traveling to meet his parents at the same age meant traveling to that decade. The era also marked the rise of teenagers as an important cultural element, the birth of rock n' roll, and suburb expansion, which would flavor the story.[4] Originally, Marty was a video pirate, the time machine was a refrigerator, and he needed to use the power of an atomic explosion at the Nevada Test Site to return home. Zemeckis was "concerned that kids would accidentally lock themselves in refrigerators", and the original climax was deemed too expensive. The DeLorean time machine was chosen because its design made the gag about the family of farmers mistaking it for a flying saucer believable. The writers found making Marty's friendship with Doc Brown believable difficult before they created the giant guitar amplifier, and only resolved his Oedipal relationship with his mother when they wrote the line "It's like I'm kissing my brother." Biff Tannen was named after Universal executive Ned Tanen, who behaved aggressively towards Zemeckis and Gale during a script meeting for I Wanna Hold Your Hand.[3]

The first draft of Back to the Future was finished in February 1981. Columbia Pictures put the film in turnaround. "They thought it was a really nice, cute, warm film, but not sexual enough," Gale said. "They suggested that we take it to Disney, but we decided to see if any other of the major studios wanted a piece of us."[2] Every major film studio rejected the script for the next four years, while Back to the Future went through two more drafts. During the early 1980s, popular teen comedies (such as Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Porky's) were risqué and adult-aimed, so the script was commonly rejected for being too light.[3] Gale and Zemeckis finally decided to pitch Back to the Future to Disney. "They told us that a mother falling in love with her son was not appropriate for a family film under the Disney banner," Gale said.[2]

The two were tempted to ally themselves with Steven Spielberg, who produced Used Cars and I Wanna Hold Your Hand, which both flopped. Spielberg was initially absent from the project because Zemeckis felt if he produced another flop under him, he would never be able to make another film. Gale said "we were afraid that we would get the reputation that we were two guys who could only get a job because we were pals with Steven Spielberg."[5] One producer was interested, but changed his mind when he learned Spielberg was not involved. Zemeckis chose to direct Romancing the Stone instead, which was a box office success. Now a high-profile director, Zemeckis approached Spielberg with the concept, and the project was set up at Universal Pictures.[3]

Executive Sidney Sheinberg made some suggestions to the script, changing Marty's mother's name from Meg to Lorraine (the name of his wife, actress Lorraine Gary) and to replace Brown's pet chimpanzee with a dog.[3] Sheinberg wanted the title changed to Spaceman from Pluto, convinced no successful film ever had "future" in the title. He suggested Marty introduce himself as "Darth Vader from the planet Pluto" while dressed as an alien forcing his dad to ask out his mom (rather than "the planet Vulcan"), and that the farmers' comic be Spaceman from Pluto rather than Space Zombies from Pluto. Spielberg dictated a memo back to Sheinberg, where he convinced him they thought his title was just a joke, thus embarrassing him into dropping the idea.[6]
[edit] Casting
See also: Minor characters in Back to the Future films
A photo of the first time travel test with Eric Stoltz as Marty McFly

Michael J. Fox was the first choice to play Marty McFly, but he was committed to the show Family Ties.[7] Family Ties producer Gary David Goldberg felt that Fox was essential to the show's success, particularly with costar Meredith Baxter on maternity leave, and refused to allow him time off to work on a film. Back to the Future was scheduled for May 1985 and it was late 1984 when it was learned that Fox would be unable to star in the film.[3] Zemeckis' next two choices were C. Thomas Howell and Eric Stoltz, the latter of whom impressed the producers enough with his portrayal of Roy L. Dennis in Mask – which had yet to be released – that they selected him to play Marty McFly.[1] Because of the difficult casting process, the start date was pushed back twice.[8]

Four weeks into filming, Zemeckis decided Stoltz was miscast. Although he and Spielberg realized reshooting the film would add $3 million to the $14 million budget, they decided to recast. Spielberg explained Zemeckis felt Stoltz was too humorless and gave a "terrifically dramatic performance". Gale further explained they felt Stoltz was simply acting out the role, whereas Fox himself had a personality like Marty McFly. He felt Stoltz was uncomfortable riding a skateboard, whereas Fox was not. Stoltz confessed to director Peter Bogdanovich during a phone call, two weeks into the shoot, that he was unsure of Zemeckis and Gale's direction, and concurred that he was wrong for the role.[3]

Fox's schedule was opened up in January 1985 when Meredith Baxter returned to Family Ties following her pregnancy. The Back to the Future crew met with Goldberg again, who made a deal that Fox's main priority would be Family Ties, and if a scheduling conflict arose, "we win". Fox loved the script and was impressed by Zemeckis and Gale's sensitivity in sacking Stoltz, because they nevertheless "spoke very highly of him".[3] Per Welinder and Tony Hawk assisted on the skateboarding scenes, though Hawk had to leave the film because he was taller than Fox, having doubled for Stoltz in various scenes.[9] Fox found his portrayal of Marty McFly to be very personal. "All I did in high school was skateboard, chase girls and play in bands. I even dreamed of becoming a rock star."[7]

Christopher Lloyd was cast as Doc Brown after the first choice, John Lithgow, became unavailable.[3] Having worked with Lloyd on The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (1984), producer Neil Canton suggested him for the part. Lloyd originally turned down the role, but changed his mind after reading the script and at the persistence of his wife. He improvised some of his scenes,[10] taking inspiration from Albert Einstein and conductor Leopold Stokowski.[11] Brown pronounces gigawatts as "jigowatts", which was the manner a physicist said the word when he met with Zemeckis and Gale as they researched the script.[9][12]

Lea Thompson was cast as Lorraine McFly because she had acted opposite Stoltz in The Wild Life. Her prosthetic makeup for scenes at the beginning of the film, set in 1985, took three-and-a-half hours to apply.[13]

Crispin Glover played George McFly. Zemeckis said Glover improvised much of George's nerdy mannerisms, such as his shaky hands. The director joked he was "endless[ly] throwing a net over Crispin because he was completely off about fifty percent of the time in his interpretation of the character".[3]

Thomas F. Wilson was cast as Biff Tannen because the original choice, J. J. Cohen, was considered too unconvincing to bully Stoltz.[3] Cohen was cast as one of Biff's cohorts. Had Fox been cast from the beginning, Cohen would have probably won the part because he was much taller than Fox.[9]
[edit] Production
Courthouse Square as it appeared in Back to the Future.

Following Stoltz's departure, Fox's schedule during weekdays consisted of filming Family Ties during the day, and Back to the Future from 6:30 pm to 2:30 am. He averaged five hours of sleep each night. During Fridays, he shot from 10 pm to 6 or 7 am, and then moved on to film exterior scenes throughout the weekend, as only then was he available during daytime. Fox found it exhausting, but "it was my dream to be in the film and television business, although I didn't know I'd be in them simultaneously. [It] was just this weird ride and I got on."[14] Zemeckis concurred, dubbing Back to the Future "the film that would not wrap". He recalled that because they shot night after night, he was always "half asleep" and the "fattest, most out-of-shape and sick I ever was".[3]
Lyon Estates set used in the film

The Hill Valley town square scenes were shot at Courthouse Square, located in the Universal Studios backlot. Bob Gale explained it would have been impossible to shoot on location "because no city is going to let a film crew remodel their town to look like it's in the 1950s." The filmmakers "decided to shoot all the 50s stuff first, and make the town look real beautiful and wonderful. Then we would just totally trash it down and make it all bleak and ugly for the 1980s scenes."[14] The interiors for Doc Brown's house were shot at the Robert R. Blacker House, while exteriors took place at Gamble House.[15]

Filming wrapped after a hundred days on April 20, 1985, and the film was delayed from May to August. But after a highly positive test screening ("I'd never seen a preview like that," said Frank Marshall, "the audience went up to the ceiling"), Sheinberg chose to move the release date to July 3. To make sure the film met this new date, two editors, Arthur Schmidt and Harry Keramidas, were assigned to the picture, while many sound editors worked 24-hour shifts on the film. Eight minutes were cut, including Marty watching his mom cheat during an exam, George getting stuck in a telephone booth before "saving" Lorraine, as well as much of Marty pretending to be Darth Vader. Zemeckis almost cut out the Johnny B. Goode sequence as he felt it did not advance the story, but the preview audience loved it, so it was kept. Industrial Light & Magic created the film's 32 effects shots, which never satisfied Zemeckis and Gale until a week before the film's completion date.[3]
[edit] Music
See also: Back to the Future: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack

Alan Silvestri collaborated with Zemeckis on Romancing the Stone, but Spielberg disliked that film's score. Zemeckis advised Silvestri to make his compositions grand and epic, despite the film's small scale, to impress Spielberg. Silvestri began recording the score two weeks before the first preview. The film's score has become quite popular to movie-goers, and is often regarded as one of the greatest film scores of all time.

He also suggested Huey Lewis and the News create the theme song. Their first attempt was rejected by Universal, before they recorded "The Power of Love". The studio loved the final song, but were disappointed it did not feature the film's title, so they had to send memos to radio stations to always mention its association with Back to the Future.[3] In the end, the track "Back in Time" featured in the film, playing during the scene where Marty arrives back in 1985, and again during the end credits. Huey Lewis himself cameoed as the school teacher who dismisses Marty's band for being too loud.[14]

The original 1985 soundtrack album only included two tracks culled from Silvestri's compositions for the film, both Huey Lewis tracks, the songs played by Marvin Berry (and Marty McFly) and the Starlighters, one of the vintage 1950s songs in the movie, and two pop songs that are only very briefly heard in the background of the film. On November 24, 2009, an authorized, limited-edition 2-CD set of the entire score was released by Intrada Records.[16].
[edit] Reception
[edit] Release

Back to the Future opened on July 3, 1985 on 1,200 screens in North America. Zemeckis was concerned the film would flop because Fox had to film a Family Ties special in London and was unable to promote the film. Gale was also dissatisfied with Universal Pictures' tagline "Are you telling me my mother's got the hots for me?" Yet Back to the Future spent 11 weeks at number one.[3] Gale recalled "Our second weekend was higher than our first weekend, which is indicative of great word of mouth. National Lampoon's European Vacation came out in August and it kicked us out of number one for one week and then we were back to number one."[5] The film went on to gross $210.61 million in North America and $170.5 million in foreign countries, accumulating a worldwide total of $381.11 million.[17] Back to the Future had the fourth-highest opening weekend of 1985 and was the top grossing film of the year.[18] Adjusted for inflation, the film is the 57th highest-grossing film in North America, as of October 2008.[19] Back to the Future is the 85th highest grossing film of all time, adjusted for inflation.

The movie received critical acclaim by most of the critics. Roger Ebert felt Back to the Future had similar themes to the films of Frank Capra, especially It's a Wonderful Life. Ebert commented producer "Steven Spielberg is emulating the great authentic past of Classical Hollywood cinema, who specialized in matching the right director (Robert Zemeckis) with the right project."[20] Janet Maslin of The New York Times believed the film had a balanced storyline. "It's a cinematic inventing of humor and whimsical tall tales for a long time to come."[21] Christopher Null, who first saw the film as a teenager, called it "a quintessential 1980s flick that combines science fiction, action, comedy, and romance all into a perfect little package that kids and adults will both devour."[22] Dave Kehr of Chicago Reader felt Gale and Zemeckis wrote a script that perfectly balanced science fiction, seriousness and humor.[23] Variety applauded the performances, arguing Fox and Lloyd imbued Marty and Doc Brown's friendship with a quality reminiscent of King Arthur and Merlin.[24] The BBC applauded the intricacies of the "outstandingly executed" script, remarking that "nobody says anything that doesn't become important to the plot later."[25] Based on 44 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes, 96% of critics gave the film positive reviews.[26]

Back to the Future won the Academy Award for Sound Editing, while "The Power of Love", the sound designers, and Zemeckis and Gale (Original Screenplay), were nominated.[27] The film won the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation[28] and the Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film. Michael J. Fox and the visual effects designers won categories at the Saturn Awards. Zemeckis, composer Alan Silvestri, the costume design and supporting actors Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover and Thomas F. Wilson were also nominated.[29] The film was successful at the 39th British Academy Film Awards, where it was nominated for Best Film, original screenplay, visual effects, production design and editing.[30] At the 43rd Golden Globe Awards, Back to the Future was nominated for Best Motion Picture (Musical or Comedy), original song (for "The Power of Love"), Best Actor in a Motion Picture Musical or Comedy (Fox) and Best Screenplay for Zemeckis and Gale.[31]

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Persebaya didenda 250 juta

untuk para bonek:kita sabar aja hadapim sanksi komdis, ini buat pelajaran agar ke depan kita lebih dewasa dan bener2 militan dalam arti positif.kita didenda 250 juta dan PSSI punya utang 245 juta kompensasi live.apa ini juga cara PSSi biar terhindar tanggung jawab utang ke Persebaya dan mendenda kita????impas dong........ternyata PSSI juga suka utang?gengsi mereka utang ke Persebaya...

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010


Wah, lumayan, semester baru dengan kegiatan baru...main badmiton....walo tubuh capek tapi semoga misi mengkuruskan berat badan akan tercapai. Badan njarem semua kalo malam, pas ngajar badan juga terasa capai tapi semoga usaha menguruskan badan dapat  terealisasi....Senin Kamis adalah hari olahraga.berkeringat banyak...minum air banyak....pengalaman main badminton di lapangan sungguhan dan dengan peraturan resmi.Rasane sip pol...coba aja berolahraga badminton, badan sehat, tubuh jadi langsing....

Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Persebaya terpuruk

Persebaya semakin terpuruk saja, yang terbaru kemarin kalah 1-0 atas Persijap. Total sudah 5x Persebaya kalah selama dipeang Danurwindo. Ada apa sebenarnya dengan Persebaya??Kemarin para pemain tidak main seperti biasanya, lini belakang juga payah. Tidak ada marking yang ketat terhadap pemain Persijap. Lini depan juga mandul, sudah 3 pertandingan tidak mencetak gol. Ada apa sebenarnya di PErsebaya??? Banyaj Bonek bersuara bahwa Danurwindi sebaiknya dipecat karena gaj becus menangani tim. PErsebaya juga punya pemain muda tetapi kurang dipercaya turun oleh pelatih. Wimba, Irfan adalah pemain yang gak pernah turun selama ISL..Tolong mjajemen harus lebih cepat menata kembali tim Persebaya, jangan digunakan sebagai ajang politik

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Novel Godfather

Novel The Godfather karangan Mario Puzo benar2 ciamik.Novelnya menyajikan tentang kehidupan mafia yang seakan2 nyata. Banyak sekali detail dari novel yang tidak tersaji pada filmnya. Saya mengikuti alurnya seakan-akan dibawa ke alam yang sesungguhnya. Seakan-akan saya jadi bagian dari cerita itu sendiri.bagi penggemar novel krimnal, The Godfather layak dijadikan bahan bacaan

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009


Persatuan Sepak Bola Surabaya

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

(Dialihkan dari Persebaya)
Langsung ke: navigasi, cari
Persebaya Surabaya
Logo Persebaya
Nama lengkap Persatuan Sepak bola
Julukan Bajul Ijo
Green Force
Didirikan 1927
Stadion Gelora 10 November,
Surabaya, Indonesia
(Kapasitas: 30.000)
Manajer Bendera Indonesia Saleh Ismail Mukadar
Pelatih Bendera Indonesia Danurwindo
Liga Liga Super Indonesia
2008-09 Divisi Utama, Peringkat 4
(Juara Play-off)

Team colours Team colours Team colours
Team colours
Team colours
Kostum kandang
Team colours Team colours Team colours
Team colours
Team colours
Kostum tandang
Soccerball current event.svg Musim ini
Persatuan Sepak bola Surabaya (disingkat Persebaya) adalah sebuah tim sepak bola Indonesia yang berbasis di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Persebaya pada musim 2006 bermain di Divisi Satu Liga Indonesia.
Suporter Persebaya dikenal sebagai bonek (bondo nekat) dengan paradigma baru Para bonek terkenal akan dukungannya yang luar biasa sebagaimana kelompok suporter lain. Bonek biasa pergi ke stadion dengan bekal cukup, walaupun ke kandang lawan. Bonek biasa pula menghadang kereta api yang searah dengan tujuan berangkat meskipun menghadang tapi membayar dengan uang kontan.

Daftar isi


[sunting] Sejarah

Persebaya didirikan oleh Paijo dan M. Pamoedji pada 18 Juni 1927. Pada awal berdirinya, Persebaya bernama Soerabhaiasche Indonesische Voetbal Bond (SIVB). Pada saat itu di Surabaya juga ada klub bernama Sorabaiasche Voebal Bond (SVB), bonden (klub) ini berdiri pada tahun 1910 dan pemainnya adalah orang-orang Belanda yang ada di Surabaya.
Pada tanggal 19 April 1930, SIVB bersama dengan VIJ Jakarta, BIVB Bandung (sekarang Persib Bandung), MIVB (sekarang PPSM Magelang), MVB (PSM Madiun), VVB (Persis Solo), PSM (PSIM Yogyakarta) turut membidani kelahiran Persatuan Sepak bola Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI) dalam pertemuan yang diadakan di Societeit Hadiprojo Yogyakarta. SIVB dalam pertemuan tersebut diwakili oleh M. Pamoedji. Setahun kemudian kompetisi tahunan antar kota/perserikatan diselenggarakan. SIVB berhasil masuk final kompetisi perserikatan pada tahun 1938 meski kalah dari VIJ Jakarta.
Ketika Belanda kalah dari Jepang pada 1942, prestasi SIVB yang hampir semua pemainnya adalah pemain pribumi dan sebagian kecil keturunan Tionghoa melejit dan kembali mencapai final sebelum dikalahkan oleh Persis Solo. Akhirnya pada tahun 1943 SIVB berganti nama menjadi Persibaja (Persatuan Sepak Bola Indonesia Soerabaja). Pada era ini Persibaja diketuai oleh Dr. Soewandi. Kala itu, Persibaja berhasil meraih gelar juara pada tahun 1950, 1951 dan 1952.
Tahun 1960, nama Persibaja dirubah menjadi Persebaya (Persatuan Sepak Bola Surabaya). Pada era perserikatan ini, prestasi Persebaya juga istimewa. Persebaya adalah salah satu raksasa perserikatan selain PSMS Medan, PSM Makassar, Persib Bandung maupun Persija Jakarta. Dua kali Persebaya menjadi kampiun pada tahun 1978 dan 1988, dan tujuh kali menduduki peringkat kedua pada tahun 1965, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1977, 1987, dan 1990.
Prestasi gemilang terus terjaga ketika PSSI menyatukan klub Perserikatan dan Galatama dalam kompetisi bertajuk Liga Indonesia sejak 1994. Persebaya merebut gelar juara Liga Indonesia pada tahun 1997. Bahkan Persebaya berhasil mencetak sejarah sebagai tim pertama yang dua kali menjadi juara Liga Indonesia ketika pada tahun 2005 Green Force kembali merebut gelar juara. Kendati berpredikat sebagai tim klasik sarat gelar juara, Green Force juga sempat merasakan pahitnya terdegradasi pada tahun 2002 lalu. Pil pahit yang langsung ditebus dengan gelar gelar juara Divisi I dan Divisi Utama pada dua musim selanjutnya.

[sunting] Pemain-pemain terkenal

Persebaya juga dikenal sebagai klub yang sering menjadi penyumbang pemain ke tim nasional Indonesia baik yunior maupun senior. Sederet nama seperti Abdul Kadir, Rusdy Bahalwan, Rudy Keltjes, Didiek Nurhadi, Soebodro, Riono Asnan, Yusuf Ekodono, Syamsul Arifin, Subangkit, Mustaqim, Eri Irianto, Bejo Sugiantoro, Anang Ma'ruf, Hendro Kartiko, Uston Nawawi, Chairil Anwar, dan Mursyid Effendi merupakan sebagian pemain timnas hasil binaan Persebaya.
Salah satu yang cukup dikenang adalah Eri Irianto, pemain timnas era 1990-an yang meninggal dunia pada tanggal 3 April 2000 setelah tiba tiba menderita sakit saat Persebaya menghadapi PSIM Yogyakarta dalam pertandingan Divisi Utama Liga Indonesia 1999/2000. Eri Irianto meninggal di rumah sakit pada malam harinya. Nama Eri kemudian dipakai sebagai nama Wisma/Mess Persebaya yang diresmikan pada tanggal 25 April 1993.
Persebaya pernah mendapat pemain yang sangat berkualitas di ajang Liga Djarum 2005, pemain itu bernama Zeng Cheng ia berposisi sebagai Kiper. Zeng Cheng berasal dari China dan bagusnya ia membela Timnas U-20 China sebagai Kiper Cadangan. Dan sekarang, Zeng Cheng masuk daftar Kiper ketiga di Timnas Senior China.
Pada tahun 2009 Persebaya Surabaya telah mendapatkan pemain bintang asli Indonesia diantaranya : Wijay, Korinus Fingkreuw dari Sriwijaya FC, dan Supriyono dari Persija Jakarta. Dimana tiga pemain ini pernah membela Timnas Indonesia di ajang Internasional. Dan tak lupa Persebaya Surabaya telah mendatangkan pemain asing yang sangat bagus diantaranya : Ngon A Djam asal Kamerun, John Tarkpor Sonkaley yang juga Pemain Timnas Liberia, Josh Maguire asal Australia, Dan Defender senior asal Jepang Takatoshi Uchida.

[sunting] Kejadian kontroversial

Selain itu, dalam perjalanannya, Persebaya beberapa kali mengalami kejadian kontroversial. Saat menjuarai Kompetisi Perserikatan pada tahun 1988, Persebaya pernah memainkan pertandingan yang terkenal dengan istilah "sepak bola gajah" karena mengalah kepada Persipura Jayapura 0-12, untuk menyingkirkan saingan mereka PSIS Semarang yang pada tahun sebelumnya memupuskan impian Persebaya di final kompetisi perserikatan. Taktik ini setidaknya membawa hasil dan Persebaya berhasil menjadi juara perserikatan tahun 1988 dengan menyingkirkan PSMS 3 - 1
Pada Liga Indonesia 2002, Persebaya melakukan aksi mogok tanding saat menghadapi PKT Bontang dan diskors pengurangan nilai. Kejadian tersebut menjadi salahsatu penyebab terdegradasinya Persebaya ke divisi I. Tiga tahun kemudian atau tahun 2005, Persebaya menggemparkan publik sepak bola nasional saat mengundurkan diri pada babak delapan besar sehingga memupuskan harapan PSIS dan PSM untuk lolos ke final. Atas kejadian tersebut Persebaya diskors 16 bulan tidak boleh mengikuti kompetisi Liga Indonesia.Namun, skorsing diubah direvisi menjadi hukuman degradasi ke Divisi I Liga Indonesia.


[sunting] Skuad 2009/2010

Posisi Nama pemain
20 Flag of Indonesia.svg GK Syaifudin
24 Flag of Indonesia.svg GK Deny Marcel
28 Flag of Indonesia.svg GK Endra Prasetya
2 Flag of Indonesia.svg DF Mat Halil
5 Flag of Japan.svg DF Takatoshi Uchida
6 Flag of Indonesia.svg DF M. Sofy Hermawan
15 Flag of Indonesia.svg DF Anang Ma'ruf
16 Flag of Indonesia.svg DF Satrio Syam
23 Flag of Indonesia.svg DF Taufiq Angga Yanuarso
25 Flag of Indonesia.svg DF Sunaji
26 Flag of Indonesia.svg DF Djayusman Triasdi
30 Flag of Brazil.svg DF Anderson Da Silva
3 Flag of Indonesia.svg MF Andik Vermansyah

Posisi Nama pemain
4 Flag of Indonesia.svg MF Nugroho Mardiyanto
7 Flag of Liberia.svg MF John Tarkpor Sonkaliey
11 Flag of Indonesia.svg MF Taufiq
13 Flag of Indonesia.svg MF Lucky Wahyu
17 Flag of Indonesia.svg MF Arif Ariyanto
21 Flag of Indonesia.svg MF Supriyono
29 Flag of Indonesia.svg MF Wijay
99 Flag of Indonesia.svg MF Josh Maguire
8 Flag of Cameroon.svg FW Claude Parfait Ngon A Djam
10 Flag of Indonesia.svg FW M. Erfan Hidayatullah
14 Flag of Indonesia.svg FW Korinus Fingkreuw
77 Flag of Indonesia.svg FW Wimba Sutan Sanosa
78 Flag of Indonesia.svg FW Andi Oddang

[sunting] Prestasi

[sunting] Perserikatan

  • 1938 - Runner-up, kalah dari VIJ Jakarta
  • 1942 - Runner-up, kalah dari Persis Solo
  • 1950 - Juara, menang atas Persib Bandung
  • 1951 - Juara, menang atas Persija Jakarta
  • 1952 - Juara, menang atas Persija Jakarta
  • 1965 - Runner-up, kalah dari PSM Ujungpandang (sekarang PSM Makassar)
  • 1967 - Runner-up, kalah dari PSMS Medan
  • 1971 - Runner-up, kalah dari PSMS Medan
  • 1973 - Runner-up, kalah dari Persija Jakarta
  • 1977 - Runner-up, kalah dari Persija Jakarta
  • 1978 - Juara, menang atas PSMS Medan
  • 1981 - Runner-up, kalah dari Persiraja Banda Aceh
  • 1987 - Runner-up, kalah dari PSIS Semarang
  • 1990 - Runner-up, kalah dari Persib Bandung

[sunting] Liga Indonesia

  • 1994/1995 - Posisi ke-9, Wilayah Timur
  • 1995/1996 - Posisi ke-7, Wilayah Timur
  • 1996/1997 - Juara
  • 1997/1998 - dihentikan
  • 1998/1999 - Runner-up
  • 1999/2000 - Posisi ke-6, Wilayah Timur
  • 2001 - ?
  • 2002 - Degradasi ke Divisi Satu
  • 2003 - Juara Divisi Satu, Promosi ke Divisi Utama
  • 2004 - Juara
  • 2005 - Mundur dalam babak 8 besar (awalnya diskorsing dua tahun, namun dikurangi menjadi 16 bulan, dan kemudian dikurangi lagi menjadi degradasi ke Divisi Satu)
  • 2006 - Juara Divisi Satu, Promosi ke Divisi Utama
  • 2007 - Posisi ke-14, Wilayah Timur (Tidak lolos ke Super Liga)
  • 2008 - Peringkat ke-4. Mengalahkan PSMS Medan dalam Babak Playoff lewat drama adu penalti. Kemudian, secara otomatis Persebaya lolos ke ISL.

[sunting] Liga Super Indonesia

  • 2009 - dalam progres

[sunting] Liga Champions Asia

  • 1998 - Babak pertama (masih bernama Piala Champions Asia)
  • 2005 - Babak pertama